Archive | October, 2012

1 week left for “In The Moment”

21 Oct


Hey hey! Well, it’s been 2 weeks since we started the 21 day In The Moment Challenge! It seems strange that there is only 1 week left… Doing the daily activities have become pretty habitual for me! Have you noticed any changes in the way you think about happiness, success, or maybe your outlook on life in general? I, personally struggled during the first few days. Sounds pathetic that it would be hard to find just 3 things I was grateful for that day, but it was! It was even difficult to pick out a positive experience to journal about if I was having a bad day.

Well, two weeks later, the daily challenges aren’t easy, but they come much easier than when we first started! I notice little things and have become thankful for small details versus big picture events or news. Let’s see what else we can notice after this next week! And remember, you can start your In The Moment Challenge whenever you want! Happiness is in your hands 🙂 Happy Sunday Elon!

In The Moment

5 Oct

I would like to invite you to join in on a 21-day journey to becoming a happier person. After watching a video of Shawn Achor speak at one of the TED Conferences titled: The Happy Secret to Better Work, I was moved to challenge myself to doing what he said. Achor is the CEO of Good Think Inc., where researchers study people who fall above the average, attempting to understand “where human potential, success and happiness intersect.” He helps organizations increase happiness, which in turn increases success and productivity. Well, we don’t have Shawn Achor himself coming to speak to us, but I have watched the video and done some research (and hopefully you’ve watched the video by now too?). What I am proposing is a 21-day challenge, based off of Achor’s research, to be happy In The Moment. Are you in!? If you are, then continue reading about what the next 21 days have in store for you!

Achor recites that we can reverse the formula for happiness and success. In our society, we tend to believe “If I am more successful, I’ll be happier” and so on. If we keep expecting too much out of life, will we ever appreciate what we have in the moment? Life should not be spent harping on the disappointments or fears of the future. Even research states that being happier in the moment is better for you; you are 31% MORE productive at happy then when at negative, neutral, or stressed. If we can learn to be positive in the moment, we can harp on the advantages happiness brings. Below is what needs to be done EVERY DAY for 21 days straight!

 In The Moment:

-Write down 3 gratitude’s each day (things you are grateful for!) This teaches our brain to scan for the positive rather than the negative first!

-Journal ONE positive thing that has happened to you within the last 24 hours. Who doesn’t want to relive something awesome?

– Exercise, which teaches your brain that activity matters. I’ll be lenient on this one… we can count walking to class!

-Meditation: this is done to get “over the cultural ADHD of doing multiple tasks at once” so that we can focus on just the task at hand. Don’t know how to meditate? Honestly, I haven’t done it seriously either, but google helps! I like this site  for meditation instructions but I encourage you to find something you like if this doesn’t work for you!

– Random acts of kindness: Praise or thank someone for what they have done for you, hold the door open for a stranger, do something each day that is a conscious act of kindness!

Can you do it? We are young and have so much life ahead of us, why rush it!? If you’d like to join me on the In The Moment challenge, we are starting this Sunday, October 7th. Check the blog every Sunday for updates and leave comments along the way about how you are feeling! GOOD LUCK! Let’s create lasting positive change!


Word on the Street

3 Oct

Word on the street: Butt Chugging 

Sounds funny, right? Wrong, because it’s actually real! I have spent the past few days reading articles about the controversy that has taken place at the University of Tennessee. A 20-year-old student was hospitalized with a BAC of 0.40 (fatal level) a couple of weeks ago. How did this student get so drunk!? It was concluded by police that it was consumed RECTALLY: an alcohol enema. Yes, that means a tube of sorts is placed in the anus of a person and alcohol enters the body in this way.

*NEWS ALERT: The student hospitalized wasn’t the only person who got in trouble. The fraternity chapter the student is a member of has been suspended for 30 days and 12 other students were cited for underage drinking. Fun weekend, right!?

Is it just me or are you wondering what would make a person want to consume alcohol this way? I mean OW… (yeah, you know what I’m referring to). So, let’s talk about this. Yes, this is a way to get highly intoxicated QUICKLY, but do you know all of the facts and all of the dangers? If hearing this student’s story isn’t enough, here are the real facts:

  • “The abundance of capillaries and blood vessels [in the rectum] greatly heightens the level and speed of the alcohol entering the blood stream as it bypasses the filtering by the liver” Police Spokesperson Darrell DeBusk
  • Our stomachs and livers have enzymes that break down alcohol and make it less toxic. When alcohol directly enters through the rectum, it immediately reaches the bloodstream completely unfiltered.
  • About 1,825 college students die annually from alcohol related injuries, according the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
  • Inserting alcohol into another orifice is more dangerous because your body has no way of rejecting the toxin, once it is in, it’s in.

Maybe you have heard of butt chugging before, maybe you haven’t; either way these are extremely dangerous ways to drink alcohol. Luckily for the UT student, he survived. Alcohol poisoning is no joke. Do you know the signs? If you’ve forgotten, here’s what to look for: shallow breathing, bluish/pale skin, cold, clammy skin, and unconsciousness. Never leave someone you think has alcohol poisoning alone and always call 911!

Be smart Elon! 

Want to learn more!? Here are some links!

Click here for a little pick-me-up!